Be Relevant and Useful

For at least 14 years, I’ve repeated the same “mantra” for web publishers: Be relevant and useful.
That’s the answer to many “how can I” questions: Read more »
For at least 14 years, I’ve repeated the same “mantra” for web publishers: Be relevant and useful.
That’s the answer to many “how can I” questions: Read more »
Search-Engine Optimization is probably the single most profitable “marketing strategy” for most e-commerce retailers. The reason is simple: if your SEO strategy works well, you’ll draw traffic and generate sales, without paying anyone for that privilege. But every day, I find retail e-commerce sites that ignore (or fail at) this critically important strategy. That’s very sad, because in my opinion, effective SEO requires very little more than common sense. (Most other marketing strategies are also more effective if the site is optimized for search engines.) Read more »
I spent half of my day yesterday visiting the exhibitor booths at the Search Engine Strategies conference in San Jose. My primary goal was to learn more about some of the advanced PPC search management tools, but I was also looking for anything new that might help my clients or me. Read more »
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