Education Reform: Perverse Incentives

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By , April 22, 2011

Over the past few weeks, I’ve read many dozens of news articles, editorials, and research studies about current “education reform” efforts.

Today, I realized that nearly all the “disputed” ideas involve accusations of perverse incentives.

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By , April 6, 2011

Over the past few months, I’ve been pleased with the success of my newest web site, Read more »

Wisconsin? Really? (Every Vote Counts)

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By , April 6, 2011

The most expensive judicial election campaign in history. In Wisconsin? Really?

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Boycotting NCLB Testing

By , April 4, 2011

Here’s a list of “talking points” that Tim Slekar identified to explain why he (and many other parents) are “opting their children out” of the high-stakes testing, mandated by “No Child Left Behind,” that doesn’t serve any legitimate educational purpose.

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School Funding and Teachers’ Cars

By , March 29, 2011

Today, I was astonished to read a blog post in which a parent, angry about her local school’s budget battle, wrote of her desire to smash teachers’ “expensive sedans” in a school parking lot on “back to school night.”

Marsia Mason, please note: if I find your car in a parking lot . . . Read more »

How to Drink Less Soda (Can Caps)

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By , March 20, 2011

I’ve recently started to use a very cool product: “Bottle Caps” (can caps), which turn an open soda can into a “bottle” that can be closed. It’s my answer to the bizarre economics of soft-drink bottlers who charge more for six- and eight-ounce cans of soda than for 12-ounce cans.

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Damages From the Illinois “Advertising-Nexus” law

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By , March 11, 2011

Illinois enacted an “Advertising-Nexus” tax law yesterday, triggering some serious negative consequences — while collecting no additional sales taxes. Here’s a quick summary of the law’s impact:

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Sales Tax Fairness, Advertising-Nexus Laws, and Common Sense

By , March 6, 2011

One of the “Advertising Nexus” tax bills (pending in the California legislature) is scheduled for hearing tomorrow (Monday) in Sacramento.  Yesterday, I found this editorial on the American Booksellers’ web site,  and was annoyed enough to write this reply: Read more »

Google’s “Farmer” Algorithm Update (Panda)

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By , March 5, 2011

There’s been a flurry of SEO-related commentary over the past week, discussing Google’s most recent algorithm adjustments, which changed the results for about 12% of all search queries.  Internally, Google calls this the “Panda” update, but most observers call it the “Farmer update” for its impact on “content farms.”

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Unity vs. “Divide and Conquer”

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By , February 23, 2011

In response to a financial crisis fueled by corporate greed, Republicans now seek to further empower corporations and disenfranchise voters.  Read more »

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