Damages From the Illinois “Advertising-Nexus” law

Illinois enacted an “Advertising-Nexus” tax law yesterday, triggering some serious negative consequences — while collecting no additional sales taxes. Here’s a quick summary of the law’s impact:
Illinois enacted an “Advertising-Nexus” tax law yesterday, triggering some serious negative consequences — while collecting no additional sales taxes. Here’s a quick summary of the law’s impact:
One of the “Advertising Nexus” tax bills (pending in the California legislature) is scheduled for hearing tomorrow (Monday) in Sacramento. Yesterday, I found this editorial on the American Booksellers’ web site, and was annoyed enough to write this reply: Read more »
Yesterday, I turned away a prospective client with unreasonable expectations. He wanted me to help design and implement an “affiliate program” this month, with the goal of generating significant profits for the 2010 holiday season. I told him, “It’s too late.” Read more »
I’m often asked how merchants can find and recruit “super affiliates” to participate in their affiliate programs. Unfortunately, the answer isn’t simple, because there’s really no such thing as a “super affiliate.” Read more »
In November 2007, I posted a series of articles sharing my most common advice given to advertisers (merchants) who had hired me to advise them on the design and launch of their affiliate programs. Below are links to the whole series in proper chronological order. Read more »
I am both a web publisher and an internet marketing consultant. Read more »
As a web publisher, most of my time is spent developing and maintaining “niche” web sites focused on specific audiences, communities, and product categories. “Relevant and Useful” is my web publishing philosophy.
It now appears almost certain that North Carolina will become the third state (after New York and Rhode Island) to enact a blatantly unconstitutional “Advertising-Nexus” law, attempting to force out-of-state merchants to collect sales tax if they pay in-state web publishers for advertising. Although Amazon responded to New York’s secret, retroactive enactment of the law in 2008 by collecting sales taxes from New York residents, the laws are having perverse effects in Rhode Island and North Carolina. Read more »
Okay, I’m going to leap out on a ledge and suggest something that none of us (in the “affiliate marketing” community) like: Merchants should seriously consider adopting the “New York Solution” for all of their web publishers, whether located in an “Advertising-Nexus” state or not. Read more »
California is considering a bill which would effectively terminate advertising by out-of-state merchants on web publications owned by Californians. Read more »
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