Taking advantage of a slow work day, I’m updating my “Trade Show Checklist” as I plan for some upcoming events. These are all items that I want on hand for any event. (This list does not include “exhibit-specific” items, such as hex wrenches or spare parts for display booths, nor “equipment-specific” items like Cat5 network cable, computer disks, or spare bulbs.)
I have not included “camera” as a separate line item because we all have smart phones with cameras built in.
Your suggestions are welcome!
Note that items marked with * are not appropriate for carry-on luggage.
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The goal of most businesses, I believe, should be to earn a profit from the sale of goods or services.
Over the past 20+ years, we’ve seen a succession of bizarre business models, in which little thought was given to “profit,” but instead to intermediate metrics (our web site needs visitors, eyeballs, clicks, engagement, etc.). Many dot-com companies succumbed to ‘perverse incentives.’” Read more »
I’m seeking feedback about under-desk keyboard trays and platforms. Read more »
Here are some Network Cabling Images (cat5 networking cable, data center, cable management porn). Read more »
&$*%*&@ Amazon.com #Amazon #PrimeDay
(Aug 26 & Sept. 7 updates below)
Back on Prime Day, the only worthwhile deal I found was a promised $40 promotional credit if I paid $9.99 per month for a one-year subscription for Adobe Creative Cloud Photography plan (Photoshop CC + Lightroom).
Today, I learned that they’ve decided to change the terms of the deal, so I won’t be able to use the credit. Read more »
I’ve spent the past week exploring options for a Sales “Customer Relationship Management” (CRM) system for our company.
Welcome to a world where words don’t mean what you expect. A “Lead” isn’t really a lead, an “Account” isn’t really an account, and so on.
And different CRM systems use slightly different definitions for certain words, and each introduces slightly different terms to refer to something that’s mostly-but-not-quite the same. Read more »
A few
days ago, my adjustable-height “Autonomous Desk (basic)” arrived (earlier blog post), and I like it.
But even before it arrived, I knew I would need to address some “cable management” issues.
The issue is that the desk’s movement (up and down) creates a range of motion that any cables must also allow for. I was especially worried that at some point, I’d lower the desk and somehow a cable would get caught, so that when the desk was raised again, the cable would be pulled tight (taut) and might end up either unplugging or pulling something down from the desk (or up from the floor).
My first goal was to reduce the number of cables from the desk to the floor; ideally, there would be just one, a single 120V power cord, with ample slack.
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Yes, folks, they really did deliver the adjustable-height “Autonomous Desk (basic)” that I backed via Kickstarter (photos + video, below).

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“WordPress 4.2.4 is now available. This is a security release for all previous versions and we strongly encourage you to update your sites immediately. This release addresses six issues, including three cross-site scripting vulnerabilities and a potential SQL injection….”

WordPress Security Update Band-Aid