Thinking, Fast and Slow
Wow. I just realized that I’ve been reading one book for more than a year, and I’m still not even half-done.
The book is Daniel Kahneman’s Thinking, Fast and Slow. Of course, I’ve read dozens of other books during this time.
Don’t get me wrong — it’s a really good, really interesting book — but it constantly forces me to think, and sends my brain into a tailspin of distraction.
Somehow, each time I resume reading Thinking, Fast and Slow, I am fascinated for a few pages … and then my thinking about the subject leads my mind in various new directions, and I set down the book again when I realize my mind has wandered elsewhere.
Today, I found an article applying the concept of “fast and slow thinking” to certain types of internet links: “How BuzzFeed Manipulates Fast and Slow Thinking to Win the Internet” (Sam Petulla, on Contently, May 2014).